Treasures for Your Home Society

Treasures For Your Home Society

As the governing board of Home Treasures, the society is committed to the success of the organization and in achieving our collective goals.  As the support system in place for staff, volunteers, clients and consumers alike we strive to fulfill our vision, mission and stand behind our values to help families in need and  contribute to our vibrant community.

Vision ~

To nurture fulfilling experiences by providing life’s nice and necessary items to our community.

Mission ~

To nurture fulfilling experiences by accepting, selling, and donating quality used goods to support families in need and contribute financially to improve the quality of life for the communities we serve.

Application for Funding ~

To foster caring, empathy and awareness in our community we are actively seeking local community groups interested in assisted funding to support their own cause, or another as identified. Local community groups, teams and charitable organizations can apply.

Applications are required to be filled out completely and must allow up to three weeks for processing.

Consideration is contingent upon meeting one of the following criteria:

  • A local nonprofit or charity organization
  • A local accredited and legitimate organization or business
  • A Cochrane community initiative or community event

Download Application Form
